Automotive nozzles 150PV3206491 Automotive nozzles ALLA151G - $15

  • 12 marzo, 4:32 AM
  • Colón (CH) (Centro Habana)
  • Partes / Piezas

Automotive nozzles 150PV3206491
Automotive nozzles ALLA151G

(3SF) Whats--App 86--1--3--3--8--6--9--0--1--3--1--5

How can you replace the nozzle on the injector ?
How do you repair the spare parts about injector ?
How can you change and adjust the pressure on nozzle injector ?
How to replace a fuel injector nozzle?
HOW can you install the nozzle on the fuel diesel system ?

How does a fuel injector valve work?
Injection valves comprise a valve body, which houses a magnet winding and a guide for the

nozzle needle, and a nozzle needle with magnet armature. When the control unit applies

voltage to the magnet winding, the nozzle needle rises up from its valve seat and releases a

precision bore hole.

  • Precio: $15
  • Marca: Chevrolet