Kit de teclado y ratón GAMER Retroiluminado, NACEB NA617 - $50
- 0K11J83H
- 5 diciembre, 12:34 PM
- Teclados / Mouse
⭐56043032⭐WhatsApp por el 52724487⭐ NUEVO en su nylon con 30 días de garantía, se brinda servicio de mensajería, si desea algún otro producto en cuanto a PC y periféricos se refiere, puede contactarme que le brindaré un buen servicio. «I should think so - in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty .disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them,» said our Mr. Baggins, and stuck one thumb behind his braces, and blew out another even bigger smoke-ring. Then he took out his morning letters, and begin to read, pretending to take no more notice of the old man. He had decided that he was not quite his sort, and wanted him to go away. But the old man did not move. He stood leaning on his stick and gazing at the hobbit without saying anything, till Bilbo got quite uncomfortable and even a little cross.
- Precio: $50